Saturday, February 24, 2007

Remembering my Nan....

It is a year today that my Nan passed away... Hard day for us as a family but through our conversations and memories of her it makes us all strong....I love you and miss you nanny and I know you are with me and watching over me all the time....Thank you for showing me the meaning of commitment and love without that I would not have the beautiful family I have today...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ryan meets the Backyardigans

Here is a few pictures from the Jack Frost Festival....Ryan had a blast meeting the Backyardigans and other characters and Tyler had a blast napping on daddies shoulder......

We had a great time... my friend Raquel and her husbad Billy and one of their daughters Gracie came over from Truro for the weekend so we got together last night and had a laugh. Haven't seen her in a couple of years so we had a lot to catch up on...I love when you get to see old friends!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Happy Valentines Day everyone!!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!! Haven't been into the blogging lateily things have been hectic.... now that I have a crawling son I don't really stop much ... he is into everything. I got a chance to go home and see mom and dad in newfounland for a few weeks. We had a blast. I am so glad I got to see dad. I didn't get home when he had his accident and was so upset about that so getting home to see for myself that he is going to recover and be ok was a blessing. I don't think that I posted anything about what had happened but just before christmas my dad was in a accidient at work. He was electricuated and 7200 volts of electricity went through his arm. He was leaning up against a steel transformer and that was really the only thing that saved his life. It was a scary experience and it will take a long time for his to fully recover... but I just thank god every day that he is here and will have the full use of his arm. Yeah so the trip home was an adventure.... I decided that I would take the bus and the boat... wow what a trip not something that I would recommend to anyone with one kids let alone two The bus ride was not to bad I left at 7:45 in the morning and got in North Sidney at 10:00 at night. But I stopped in Truro for a few hours so we got to visit with my Aunt Eve. The boat ride was very rocky during the night... I hate the boat soooo much I get so sick it is the worst mode of transportation ever and of course with my luck we CAN"T dock in the morning due to high winds...So I am stuck on the Caribou coasting along the shore from Rose Blanche to PAB for 5 hours... Ohh I was so happy to get inshore!!!! I was to the point that I was ready to jump and swim!!!!!... I will never take the boat in the winter time again this is the thrid time I got stuck in the middle so needless to say I flew back.....Other than that things are pretty busy...Lee is starting school at the end of the month and I only have month of mat leave left ...I got another positon that starts in march...It is a better postion and is guarenteed full time so I took it I am speinding some quality time with my sons and enjoying the days I have off cause I guess I will be working steady now until I retire... I have been trying to get the boys out to play but the weather is not allowing that... you step outside for a minute and near turn to ice... but I did manage to get them out one day so I took advantage and got as many pictures as I could... here is a few......

Friday, January 12, 2007


Joined another one of those friends sites and it is pretty These sites (hi5, ringo, facebook, tagged and I am sure there are lots more.) are pretty neat.. keeps you in touch with those people you would have thought you would never come across again and lets you know what they are up too.. I enjoy them!!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed 2006 and will enjoy 2007 even better.... hope you all accomplish your goals and experience all the best in 07!!!!! Bring it on!!!!!!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Years Eve!!!!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful 2007!!!!!

Christmas Pics

Here is some pictures from christmas.. a little late putting them on but this is the only chance I got have been soooo busy... the boys enjoyed it to the fulliest and the best christmas.birthday gift I got was watching the smile on their faces when they found out that santa stopped at their house..... we had a blast only wish I would have got to see my family in newfoundland.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

TOO Busy to Blog

Wow... have I been busy the past few weeks..... Since starting this new job and trying to get ready for xmas I haven't stopped much and now I am fighting a nasty flu.. So just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive and kicking and I will be posting some pics and stuff some time soon...Hope everyone is getting in to the christmas spirit and are all doing well....

Take care
